Summer 2018 has been a varied and exciting one. I’ve used some of my time investing in my own art making: it’s been a treat to let the creative ideas flow and see what unfolds. I’ve never really made art for anyone but myself, but this summer I decided to become more ‘public’ about what I create… an experiment to see how it is received by others, and whether this changes my feelings about and relationship with my art making and images. You can find my artwork on facebook @LizziePhilipArt or Instagram @lizziephilip_art .

‘Stick person’: Something out of nothing
I’ve also spent some time at Therapeutic Hooves, a community run, non-profit organisation which offers 1-1, group, and summer camp sessions for children who have a wide range of physical, mental and behavioural difficulties. The team consists of Danielle, her colleagues and equine friends, in a relaxing, fun and professional environment, near Welwyn, Hertfordshire. As each person has their own specific needs, goals and requirements, staff at Therapeutic Hooves do their best to tailor sessions to each individual, so they can get the most benefit out of each session. For my part it was a privilege to spend time getting to know the organisation, meeting some of the young people who attend, and helping out with some of the creative summer camp activities. The beautiful countryside is healing in itself! For more information about Therapeutic Hooves, visit their website:

Outdoor beauty
Another project currently in progress is The Blue Sky Project. This is a collaboration between myself, Life Couch and Youth Worker Matthew Barnes-Smith and Yoga Therapist Alex Flatman. We are developing a series of workshops for young people, around personal identity, emotional wellbeing, mental health and resilience, which will be delivered in schools and other community settings. If you’re interested in these workshops running in your school or organisation, or would like further information, do get in touch.
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